
hello! i’m nancy

i am originally from the suburbs of fremont, california, where i spent much of my waking hours online in the fantastical worlds of club penguin and fantage. when not online, i spent the rest of my childhood hours drawing — adorning pokemon and long-necked cats on my friends’ arms at recess, drawing stupid comics with my best friend in class, and pouring my time into every drawing assignment. in college i kept switching majors until i got closer and closer to doing art. i practiced new mediums of adorning my ideas and inscriptions on other people through writing and art and sometimes videos.

i write here occasionally about reflections and random revelations, sometimes more sophisticated thoughts. ‘chicken nuggets’ of wisdom if you will… or at least wisdom as it feels in the moment to me as a twenty-something year old

one day i hope to be a comic artist / illustrator / animator and fully bring this chicken nugget to life

Subscribe to general zuo's chicken

paint splatters, occasional essays, and half-baked nuggets


salt water taffy